相手のない喧嘩は出来ぬ Aitenonai-kenka wa, dekinu.

  • 解釈:どんな乱暴者でも、相手が無ければ喧嘩にならない。喧嘩を売る者がいても、それを買う者が無ければ喧嘩は起こらない。喧嘩の相手になるなという戒め。
  • Literal:The quarrel in which a rival does not exist is impossible. Don't oppose, even if attacked.
  • Interpretation:If it were not in dispute that the rules, I'll consider becoming one. Think by becoming one person if there is no rule in the fight.
  • 類義:相手無ければ訴訟無し。一人喧嘩はならぬ。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.